Wednesday, December 28, 2011


As more than eight million Youtub'ers can attest, the preview for Christopher Nolan's latest Batman flick is out. Most eight million would agree that it's kind of sock rocking. Some would also have noticed that it appears that one of the most villainous super-villains makes his film debut in summer 2012. Indeed, Tom Hardy, appears to be filling the role of "Bane"...

According to DC Comic lore, Bane is the "the man who broke the bat". Upon escape from Peña Dura prison, Bane attacks Batman and breaks his spine (hence the reputation). Hence, the common idiom, "the bane of [my] existence"...? A quick google search won't point to the relationship between the expression and the comic tragedy, which is not to say this blog is the first to reveal it, but it is to say chances are good you read it here first.

Life sometimes can be idiomatic.
  idiomatic: --adj.
of, relating to, or conforming to idiom